Become a Member

Membership in the Australian Society for Mechanobiology is open to researchers and others based in Australia or New Zealand that are interested in understanding how physical forces and cell/tissue mechanics affect cell/tissue behaviour. 

To become a member, please download and fill in the application form  and send it together with a proof of payment to

The following membership types are available:

Membership type Membership fee
Student (1 year)30 A$
Student (3 years)75 A$
Full (1 year)100 A$
Full (3 years)250 A$

Please transfer your membership fee to the following bank account:

Account name: Australian Society for Mechanobiology incorporated
BSB: 033-395
Account number: 621047
Bank: Westpac

General information:

President: Maté Biro
Past president: Boris Martinac
Vice-President: Sara Baratchi
Secretary: Anne Lagendijk
Treasurer: Charles Cox
Technical Officer: Daryan Kempe

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